We are very excited to announce the biggest addition surrounding our website to date - The ACGL App (for Android). 

The app will allow you to seamlessly connect to online tournaments, receive instant push notifications, connect to live events and more. During the beta, we will slowly roll out the application to our most active members and community managers who will be receiving their emails from the Google Play Store directly today. To the iOS users wondering "what about us?" - don't worry we are currently working on getting you up and running too. Watch this space! 

For now, let's jump into what changes will be made to the ACGL website and what you can expect when you get your hands on the exclusive ACGL app! 

Website Changes (For all users) 

Here are some of the changes you can expect to change for everyone that uses the ACGL website: 

Emails & Notifications 

  • Players will no longer receive emails in regards to matches, teams or private messages
  • Emails have been replaced by our new Beta Notification system that you can view on the top panel of your screen (when logged in), indicated by the bell icon

Match Reporting System:

Updated to combat false/accidental score reporting. A five-minute timer has been placed after a score is reported. During this time the player who issued the score report can cancel and change the score submission, should it prove to have mistakingly been entered. The opposing player can confirm or dispute the score report during this time. If the 5 minutes elapses the score will be approved and the match result progressed to the next round. There are additional rules in place to prevent players reporting false scores, which will be punished. 

Example: Once a score is reported by Player A, Player B will have 5 minutes to respond to that result (accept/reject). If there is no response after 5 minutes, the score will automatically be accepted. Player A will also be able to cancel the result they entered within the 5 minute period.

Notifications (For all users) 

The following notifications will be sent to captains of teams, as such we recommend that when selecting your roster for a tournament, at least one of those players be a team captain:

  • A Player requested to join your team
  • The Tournament has started
  • A message has been posted on your match discussion
  • Your match has been disputed
  • You must respond to a score reported
  • Your match result was accepted/automatically accepted
  • Your match result was rejected

The following notifications will be sent to all players: 

  • You have been invited to join a team
  • Reminder to Check-in (reminders will only be sent out from next week onward, and will be received 30 minutes prior to the closing of check in. Players that have already checked in, will not receive the notification)


Everyone is welcome to provide feedback on the notification system via our Discord's #chat-with-staff channel, keep in mind that both the app and notifications are a work in progress, so there will be a few kinks that need to be worked out - that is why we need your feedback!

We specifically ask that players with the app please post feedback via the Google Play Store.

We will keep you updated as to when we roll out with the next round of Beta testers!

For now, let us know your thoughts on the updates and if you like the direction we are heading with the ACGL website. 

On a personal capacity, I want to thank all of those that made it possible - you know who you are! Much love from the #ACGLfamily. â€‹â€‹

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